Thursday, 7 December 2017

50+ Interesting Project Ideas in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

By searching on different platforms, I collected some informative data about interesting project ideas in natural language processing. Quora answers helped a lot for this article.

"Pathan Karimkhan" answered on Quora:

  1. Sentiment analysis for twitter, web articles - Identify over all sentiment for web articles, product review, movie review, tweets. Lexical based approach or machine learning techniques can be used
  2. Web article classification/summarization - Use clustering/classification technique to classify the web article, perform semantics analysis to summarize the articles
  3. Recommendations system based on user's social media profiles - Use social media API, collects user interest from facebook, twitter etc implement recommendation system for user interest
  4. Tweet classification and trend detection - Classify the tweets for sports, business, politics, entertainment etc and detect trending tweets in those domain
  5. Movie Review Prediction - Use online movie reviews to predict reviews of new movies.
  6. Summarize Restaurant Reviews - Take a list of reviews about a restaurant, and generate a single English summary for that restaurant.
  7. AutoBot - Build a system that can have a conversation with you. The user types messages, and your system replies based on the user's text. Many approaches here ... you could use a large twitter corpus and do language similarity
  8. Twitter based news system - Collect tweets for various categories hourly, daily base, identify trending discussion, perform semantic analysis and create kinda news system (Check Frrole product)
"Adam Mathias Bittlingmayer" answered on Quora:

There are some basic building blocks that are not working robustly enough yet to automatically process user-generated content ie the real world.

- context awareness (user history, recent queries, location, current headlines and so on)

- text correction (transliteration, spelling, truecasing, punctuation and even grammar)

- language detection (of text, voice or images)

- languageless models (like multi-language speech synthesis and word2vec, instead of creating a separate model for each of the standards that happens to have an ISO code) — another solution to language detection in a way

Note that humans do all of this when learning and processing natural language. Some of it is inherently application-specific, but some of it can be researched and mostly solved in the abstract.

50+ Interesting Project Ideas in Natural Language Processing (NLP) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Khanx